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SHOW STARS 2008-2009

The current show season has produced a TV star! Ch, GP Ra'sAbi's Anya starred in the mau segment of Animal Planet's Cats 101. The film crew spent most of a day in our cattery filming the maus and then followed Carol to the CFA Madison Square Garden Show to film Anya running Agility. Maus seen in the segment were Anya, Nepra, OG, Future (getting a bath!), Benu, Bianca, Alina, Kanika, and Hasset.

Anya, who granded in Premiership in August, was chosen for the show from her success in running Feline Agility courses at other CFA shows. She had taken Best in two of the three shows she had entered, with a best run of 14 seconds. Alas, at MSG, she refused to run the course, much more interested in watching all the spectators!

Amirah kittens Alina and Kanika are doing well. Alina took a Best Kitten in her second show. Judges have quite a time deciding between the two sisters.

Oh - and Great-Great-...Grandma Future (again) went to the Global Egyptian Mau Society Show (GEMS) at the stately age of almost 10! This year she easily took top Premier honors, taking Best of Breed in all rings and making all the finals against 5 other maus. The mantra for the show was "Grandma Rules!".


Ch, GP Ra's Abi's Anya

Grand Premier - August 2008

Anya loves to run the Agility course
-except when the film crew is present!

GC Ra'sAbi's Alina

Alina, an Amirah daughter with
incredible contrast, took a
at her second show!
She loved showing with smoke sister Kanika


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