Ra's Abi - email contact at rasabi@aol.com



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  Acquiring A Mau



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When you start looking for a mau of your own, there are many points to consider that are outlined below. However, once you meet a mau, you might leave wondering....
"Did I choose him or did he choose me?"

Prospective owners please email us for our questionnaire. Upon your completion and our review we will then call you.



GC,RW Ra's Abi's Nepra

Though the silver often catches your eye, don't be surprised if a smoke captures your heart!

Selecting a Breeder While the price of acquiring a mau can be an important issue, we encourage prospective mau owners to focus on taking their time and carefully selecting a breeder who is knowledgeable about genetics and utilizes this knowledge in their breeding program. The mau is a rare breed with a small, limited gene pool that can and does present health issues without the careful and appropriate selection of matings based on genetics.

A reputable breeder will not be offended if you ask detailed questions regarding their breeding program, will welcome a visit to their cattery, will share their pedigrees, will actively show to obtain objective assessment and feedback from the judges, has established positive long-term relationships with new owners, works with other mau breeders, actively participates in mau organizations to share and learn about the breed and is always available to you.

Breed Characteristics

Three Cat Scenario - We often share with prospective owners the three cat scenario as many people often think and pursue acquiring two cats from the same litter or perhaps very close together in age. While this initially appears to be a good thing, long term it is not because as the two cats grow old and the first one dies, the second one usually dies within a year due to loneliness from losing its lifetime companion.

Having said that, we encourage prospective owners to consider acquiring three cats with appropriate age spacing to ensure compatible energy levels. Two of the cats can be close, say 6 to 24 months apart in age, and then plan 3-5 years between the second and third cat. As the three cats grow old and the first one dies, the second cat will still have a companion and then one may add another third cat after this.

Perhaps sharing this three cat scenario with you will give you helpful information to consider as you move forward in planning your next cat family.

Shown below is a Cat Age Chart that may be helpful in planning the appropriate age spacing of your cat family.

Cat Years      Human Years

1                       15
2                       24
3                       28
4                       32
5                       36
6                       40
7                       44
8                       48
9                       52
10                      56
15                      76
20                      92

Health Guarantee - Our cattery is FELV (feline leukemia) and FIV negative. Our kittens come with a health guarantee and a state-required health certificate at time of delivery.

Registration - All of our cats are CFA registered and are sold with registration papers.

Pre-purchase Questionnaire - Prospective Mau owners will need to fill out a detailed pre-purchase questionnaire to help us get an idea of what you are looking for (such as color, sex, quality pet or show, and temperament) in order to ensure the best match possible with your household. So, feel free to email us for a copy.

Cattery Visit - Pre-screened, prospective owners are invited to visit with us to meet our cats and learn more about this fabulous breed in our home. A cattery visit is a must for prospective owners to assess the health and temperment of the parents, review the pedigrees to ensure healthy genetics and learn first-hand how we raise our kittens (which can and does affect lifetime temperment).

Kanika and Tepi

Kanika and Tepi enjoy the sunshine!

Non-refundable deposit for reservation list - We require a non-refundable holding fee/deposit of $500 and a signed sales contract to reserve a kitten or cat. Of course, it is refundable if we do not supply the kitten within the agreed upon time.

Contract - We require all prospective Mau parents" to review and sign a detailed sales contract. Since we practice early spay and neuter, our kittens are sold already altered (spayed/neutered), fully vetted (3 distemper and 1 rabies) and micro-chipped, billed at cost to the owner. The contract is fairly detailed and states that the cat must not be declawed or allowed outdoors. Once we have received your completed questionnaire and have talked with you, we would be happy to provide a copy of our sales contract for your review.

Age Available Once a kitten has learned its life skills (birth to 8 weeks of age), is fully vetted (3 distemper and 1 rabies) and is fully socialized by the mother (8 to 12-16 weeks of age) and by us, he or she is usually ready to go to a new home at 16 weeks of age. We do not force wean our babies and encourage the motherly bond until each kitten establishes its independence. Although your spotted youngster can't go home with you until at least 16 weeks old, you are welcome to visit.

As an experienced breeder, we reserve the right to hold any kitten until we think it is ready to leave us. We also reserve the right to refuse sale to anyone at any time until finding the perfect home for our babies to ensure a long, healthy, pampered life.

Owners Manual- including baby pictures - By acquiring a mau, you will join an elite group of cat owners who have a living link to the past! Our owners
are proud of and excited about their new family

Raya-Nepra Kitten

Our new owners tell us that they just love having the Owner's Manual and photos we send with their mau and enjoy sharing it with family and friends. The book contains much information and pictures of your mau (at birth, with the mother and at 12-16 weeks of age).

Note: All pictures and graphics are copyrighted by Ra's Abi or individual photographers. No part of this web site may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from Ra's Abi and the photographers.
Copyright 2002-2025