Breed Info
The Pharaohs
The Queens
The Royal Kittens
Show Stars
The Royal Family
Acquiring A Mau
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The Queens rule the house! These small dynamos can
stare down any large male with "the look." They set the standard for intelligence
and inqusitiveness. They walk into rooms and you can just see that they have taken it
all in and know just what they are going to do!
Our current Queens are silver sisters Petra and Zahara

CH Ra'sAbi's Zahara
Champion (CH)



CH, GP, AM Ra's Abi's Adara
Champion (CH)
Grand Premier (GP)
Agility Master (AM)
2016 National 10th Best in Agility

GC, AC Schooiertjes Kara
of Ra's Abi, DM
Grand Champion (GC)
Distinguished Merit (DM)
Agility Competitor (AC)



CH Ra's Abi's Jamilla
aka Bella
Champion (CH)

GC, RW Ra's Abi's Alina
Grand Champion (GC)
Regional Winner (RW)
National Second Best of Breed



GC, GP, RW Ra's Abi's Amirah
Grand Champion (GC)
Grand Premier (GP)
Regional Winner (RW)
Amirah has produced beautiful kittens with Pharoah Magic
Litter mates Alina and Kanika were both Regional Winners!

GC Ra's Abi's Sebua
Grand Champion (GC)
Sebua, a Meketra daughter, is now living the pampered life of a retired queen!
Her son, Haset, became the first Ra's Abi Bronze Grand!



CH Kyra of Ra's Abi
This elegant pale girl produced high flying Lyra and Agility star, Ch, GP Ra's Abi's Anya

CH Ra's Abi's Meketra
Future's Daughter and our Foundation Queen

Meketra - Raging hormones and motherhood interrupted her show career. Her first litter was born in
February 2002 and what beautiful spotted babies she gave us! Her second litter arrived in June 2003. These
Beamer babies (see Royal Kittens) are as beautiful as she is and love to show as much as
their Grandmother Future! She now lives a spoiled life of a Queen Mum.


GC, GP, RW Emau Back to the Future of Ra's Abi
The ultimate show cat and Mother Extraordinnaire
Future - Future has lived here in New England with us since 4 months of age.
Not only did she show, she just loved it a natural born show cat that had her own agenda of being worshipped
and adored by as many people as she could captivate with her soulful inquisitive gooseberry green eyes, a tremendous purr motor and playful prancing and toy conquering antics on the judging table.
She certainly established quite a reputation with judges, exhibitors, spectators, the media and with her human family!
Future's intelligence and joyfulness are her trademarks.
We feel tremendously honored that she has chosen us as her family and shares her life with us and entrusts her babies to us!


GC Emau's Raya of Ra's Abi, DM
Grand Champion (GC)
Distinguished Merit (DM)
Raya has produced three wonderful litters with Pharaoh Nepra!
Look for their royal offspring on the show stars page
Grands Benu, Amirah, Bodi, Orion, and Tepi!

CH Kirydashi Nadira
of Ra's Abi
Champion (CH)
