Ra's Abi - email contact at rasabi@aol.com



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A Reference Library must have Gargolyes

Lyra quickly found a new friend
at her new home

Animal Planet - Cats 101: Egyptian Mau Segment    Exciting News!! 80% of the cats featured in the 13 December 2008 Segment were Ra's Abi's Maus!! Anya runs agility, Future takes a bath, and OG becomes a skeleton! The segment is being aired at various times by Animal Planet.

Cat Fancy Magazine Issues Featuring Eqyptian Maus and Spotted Breeds:
                                                    Nov 2012, page 30, Ra'sAbi's Elijah, aka Eli
                                                    May 2009, February 2005, September 2002, and
                                                    July 1999 Issue - See Emau s Back to the Future of
                                                    Ra's Abi on the back of the centerfold!

Book Recommendation: Barron s Encyclopedia of Cat Breeds by J. Anne Helgren
                                              A Complete Guide to the Domestic Cats of North America
                                              Contents Feline History, What is a Purebred, Feline
                                              Genetics, Conformation, Color and Coat, the Cat Fancy,
                                              40 Recognized Breeds, New or Experimental Breeds, the
                                              American Domestic, Which Breed is Right for You, Choosing
                                              a Purebred Cat, Showing Your Cat
                                              *Contains more than 200 color photos

                                              The Cat in Ancient Egypt by Jaromir Malek
                                              Contents Chronological Chart, Prologue, Wild Cats,
                                              Domestic Cats, Divine Cats, Story Cats, Mummified Cats

Cat Furniture - Arubacats      www.arubacat.com
                             These cat condos are designed, engineered and
                             constructed by a former cat breeder for durability. The condos can be
                             shipped or picked up at cat shows. We have three condos that our cats
                             just love and highly recommend them to any cat owner.

Air Purification
Aerus www.aerusonline.com  - non-ozone, FDA approved system: Lux Guardian Air - class 2 medical device, FDA listing B0661507
Please see the EPA website OZONE INFO  regarding ozone and air purifiers.

Vanodine - a nontoxic, iodine based product from England.   www.vanodine.com

Cat Health Care Information - see the Cat Fanciers Association website at www.cfa.org for information on caring for cats, declawing (why not to!), poisons, plants (which are safe and which are not!), neuter and spay programs, and much more.

Winn Feline Foundation - a nonprofit organization which supports research and studies into medical problems affecting cats, www.winnfelinehealth.org

Declawing - Facts, Why Not To, Other Options - go to www.declawing.com

For domestic non-pedigreed cats see Friends of Animals website at www.friendsofanimals.org includes info on low cost spay/neuter certificates.


Note: All pictures and graphics are copyrighted by Ra's Abi or individual photographers. No part of this web site may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from Ra's Abi and the photographers.
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