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SHOW STARS 2004-2005 The Amazing Season...

WOW - the 2004-2005 show season can only be described as amazing. In a way it was a "mirror" season. Nepra became the first Ra's Abi Regional Winner in Championship and was National Third Best of Breed. Grandma Future was a Regional Winner in Premiership at a ripe old age of 6 and nationally highest scoring Egyptian Mau in premiership! It was fitting in that 5 years ago, Future was the first regional winner we showed, also taking National Third Best of Breed. It was wonderful to show Grandma and Grandson together for a season. In summary these two were (including Future's earlier career):

GC, RW Ra's Abi Nepra
  National 3rd Best Egyptian Mau,2005
  14th Best Cat, North Atlantic Region, 2005
  Best Egyptian Mau, North Altlantic Region, 2005

GC, GP, RW Emau's Back to the Future of Ra's Abi
  National Best Egyptian Mau in Premiership, 2005
  National 3rd Best Egyptian Mau, 2000
  6th Best Cat, North Atlantic Region, 2000
  17th Best Cat in Premiership, North Atlantic Region, 2005
  Best Egyptian Mau in Premiership, North Atlantic Region, 2005
  Best Egyptian Mau, North Atlantic Region, 2000

There have been 6 new grands for the 2005 show season (we had only had a total of 4 in our other years of showing). It was an amazing season for us and we have to thank all that helped in entrusting their cats to us, providing beautiful Pharaohs for our queens, and all the friends from shows that have supported us (alright - they liked eating all the granding cakes...).

The new Grands were (newest first):

GC Ra's Abi's Sebua
GP Ra's Abi's Maucavity
GC, GP, RW Emau Back to the Future of Ra'sAbi
GC, RW Ra's Abi's Nepra
GP Emau's Moonbeam of Ra'sAbi
GC Emau's Raya of Ra'sAbi

the story...

The 2004 show season started with a bang - granding two cats at the first show of the season, GC Emau's Raya of Ra's Abi (Grand Champion) and GP Emau's Moonbeam of Ra's Abi (Grand Premier)! The momentum continued with Nepra, Future, and Mac (Maucavity). With Raya having completed her quest, Nepra went to Nova Scotia and earned 151 points, then another 122 points at our Bedford show, and earning the title of Grand Champion. Meanwhile, in Premiership, Future started her quest for granding along with Grandson Mac. Mac, though a fabulous smoke, had a tough time with Grandma Future in the cage next door, afterall, this was the Pro who had in her "early years" been on the national circuit earning 28 Best Cat or Kitten Awards. Between Nova Scotia, Bedford, and Springfield, Future and Mac earned over 120 granding points, and Future earned the title of Grand Premier. She was however not amused when Mac was placed over her in a few rings!


GC,RW Ra's Abi's Nepra

Grand Champion (GC)
July 2004
Regional Winner (RW)
National Third Best of Breed

International Cat Show, Houston, November 2003.

First Ra's Abi Grand Champion!
First Ra's Abi Regional Winner!

Nepra's first show was against Raya, Beamer, and his littermates Sebua and Mac in Boston where at 4 months and a day, he took breed in 4 rings and finaled in two. His third show was the International Cat Show in Houston where at 5 months and the youngest mau kitten, was BEST EGYPTIAN MAU KITTEN in show and the only mau kitten to final!!

In his kitten career, he always got that second glance from the judges. Although schedules made it difficult to make many shows, he ended up with many BEST KITTEN rosettes and would have been third highest scoring kitten nationally if Bob and Carol had noticed a typo in his registration number at his last show where he had two Bests and was 2nd highest scoring kitten in the show!! He continually bumps and purrs in both the benching area and for judges.

After getting his winners ribbons and becoming a Champion, Nepra took a short break to let Raya finish her granding quest. Now back on the trail, he picked up 151 (out of 200 needed) points at the July 2004 show in Nova Scotia! On top of that, he made all the top 10 finals and was 3rd highest scoring cat in show! At his next show in Bedford, NH (July 24), he completed the quest, granding with 290 points, 90 more than needed!

The next week in Springfield, he competed the first time as a Grand and earned his first Best Cat from Judge Roger Lawrence. He made three finals at this show and was off to a great start in his show career! He has continue to do well and makes finals at most shows that he is entered, frequently one of the top five cats in show. At the Madison Square Garden show he was the Egyptian Mau representative in the Best of the Best competition. Currently in scoring he is in the top 15 of the region and the third best mau nationally! While we are appreciative of his looks, we are most thankful for the comments from the judges about his personality and show presence.


RW, GC, GP Emau Back to the Future of Ra's Abi

Regional Winner (RW), Grand Champion (GC), Grand Premier (GP),
National Third Best of Breed (1999-2000)
Mother Extraordinaire

SHE'S BACK! The ultimate show cat, Future wowed the judges to 6 Best Kitten Awards and 22 Best Cat Awards. She competed at the national level and held tenth place nationally for 9 months of the 1999-2000 show season before being retired. Now that her motherhood career is over, she is back out in Premiership!

Future is a born show cat. After a 5 year break from showing, we weren't sure how she would react; however, on her first judging table as an open premier (though still somewhat plump!), she immediately stretched, walked over to the side of the judge's table and tried to steal the judge's toys. She remembered right where they kept them! She didn't miss a beat and thoroughly enjoyed being in the spotlight again.

In great show condition, she made over half of her granding points at her next show in Nova Scotia (July 2004) and made 5 top ten finals (including a 2nd Best Cat) over all the Grands! Not bad for a Grandma whose grandson (Mac) was in the judging cage right next door and shared a final (though respectively below her!) with the Queen. She continued the quest at Bedford, NH, getting to within 11 points of of Granding. Finally, at Springfield, she went out in style, taking a Best All Breed Premier from the last judge, and ending up with points to spare, and proud that Grandson Mac was in the final cage right next door, Grandma and Grandson, taking Best and Second Best Shorhair Premier!

Future at the 2004 International Cat Show

Judge Everett with Future in the Best of the Best

Future has continued to do in Premiership just what she did in her Championship quest 5 years earlier. She continues to make the majority of finals at the shows she attends (and picking up some more BEST Cats!) and lets it be known that she is not amused when she is left at home. Once, she let Carol know that she was extremely upset when Bob left for Rochester with Nepra and Sebua. Later that day, when Carol loaded her into the carrier for the trip to Philadelphia for a show, she "talked" the entire trip. Future had the opportunity in November 2004 to attend the International Cat Sow in Houston and made a final and also shared the Best Egyptian Mau in Premiership award. In the Best of the Best presentation, she looked out from the stage and saw the hundreds of people and cameras and raised her head and tail up proudly as the judge held her high - she still knows when to turn it on (Carol and Melanie swear she smiled and winked!).

GP Ra's Abi's Maucavity

aka Mac

Grand Premier (GP)
October 2004

Our first smoke grand!

Mac is a beautiful, though dark smoke boy whose mission in life seems to be seeing how many biscuits he can make with his very happy feet! As a kitten in his very FIRST show in Boston against one Bronze and four Silver (including littermates Nepra and Sebua and older housemates Raya and Beamer) maus, Mac surprised us all by making a final in a kitten class of 113 kittens! This was an incredible way to start a show career for a smoke colored mau (one of perhaps 100 show-quality in the world)!

Although Mac has been to many shows as a spectator, he seemed hurt when he was not up on the judging table. He bumps and purrs for everyone! In Springfield, one judge commented on this fabulous smoke, noting that he was turning on the purrsonality and showmanship that he needed to try and beat "that beautiful silver" (Grandma Future!). Mac made several trips around his shoulders chasing toys - but the nod went to Future for Best of Breed. However, the impression was made and he ended up using BOTH is his final! Mac has thrilled us in the show ring. He has managed take Best of Breed a few times and to pick up all these points going head to head with one of the best, Future, and thrilled us twice in the three show stretch when both he and Future were used in the final. In Springfield, both he and Future made two finals.


GP Ra'sAbi's Maucavity

This smoke boy inherited his grandmother Future's love of showing

Finally, with Future granded, he went out on his own. Strangely, he actually seemed to not do as well. He kept picking up a few points here and there, though often at competitive shows. Mac finally granded by making all the finals at the North Atlantic Regional Qualifer show in New York. We secretly think that he drug it on so long so that he could keep showing (he just loved going out to the shows). If he had known what a wonderful home awaited him in New York, he might not have taken so long. He is now living the pampered and spoiled life and his humans promise to bring him out ocassionally to shows.

GC Ra's Abi's Sebua

Grand Champion (GC)
November 2004

Sebua is a petite spotty showgirl! She is always competing against her littermate, Nepra, and often showed as a kitten against older housemates Raya and Beamer. In spite of all of that, she made it over a quarter of the way to granding before taking a break to allow Nepra time to Grand. When Nepra granded, things didn't get any easier. She now had to compete against him as GC Nepra! However, she finally granded at Buffalo and is now retired to the pampered life of a Ra's Abi queen.

The First 2004 Grands!


GC Emau's Raya of Ra's Abi

Grand Champion (GC)
May 2004

Raya only went to a few shows as a kitten, making finals in some very stiff competiton against all the Meketra kittens in their first show at Boston. As she developed into adulthood, she received most of her granding points at just two shows! Now with her show career behind her, this princess looks forward to raising baby maulettes!

GP Emau's Moonbeam of Ra's Abi

aka Beamer

Grand Premier (GP)
May 2004

Beamer holds a special place in our heart. He is Future's last kitten and her only Grand! He gave us a thrill by granding at the same show as roommate Raya - wow two at one show! It seems that Future babies disliked showing however, the grandkids are a different story (Nepra, Mac, Sebua, OG...). So it was fitting that her last kitten gave her at least one titled Grand out of so many grand and special kids!


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