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In the Cat Fanciers Association (CFA), cats are competed in three categories: kittens (age 4 to 8 months), championship (over 8 months) or premiership (cats over 8 months that have been neutered or spayed). We compete our Egyptian Maus both for National awards and titles and for Regional Awards. New England is in the North Atlantic Region which is consistantly one of the top two toughest regions to earn awards in. The NAR includes all of New England, eastern Canada, eastern New York, New Jersey, and eastern Pennsylvania.

Starting in the 2012 show season, the CFA also started awarding titles for cats competing in Feline Agility. This is a timed event where a cat runs a course of ten obstacles. Points are awarded based on the total time and number of faults.

CFA Titles:

CH - Champion - title for an unaltered cat obtained by winning six "winner's ribbons" from six different judges. The cat must be the best of the unranked cats in its category and deemed to be of sufficient merit to show based on the breed show standard.

PR - Premier - equivalent title to Champion for altered cats.

GC - Grand Champion - title for unaltered cats obtained by beating 200 other Champions.

GP - Grand Premier - equivalent title to Grand Champion for altered cats, obtained by beating 75 other Premiers.

RW - Regional Winner - Title obtained by finishing in the top 25 allbreed cats in a region at the end of a show season. Awarded in Kitten, Championship, and Premiership classes.

NW - National Winner - Title obtained by finishing in the top 25 allbreed cats nationally at the end of a show season. Awarded in Kitten, Championship, and Premiership classes.

BW - Breed Winner - Title awarded to the National Best of Breed in Championship at the end of the show season.

DM - Distinguished Merit - This is the only title awarded for quality of offspring. Awarded to females who have produced 5 Grand titled offspring and males who have sired 15 Grand titled offspring.

AC - Agility Competitor - Awarded to a cat who competes the agility course with no faults in under 270 seconds.

AW - Agility Winner- Awarded to a cat who has accumulated a total of 500 points in agility competition.

AM - Agility Master - Awarded to a cat who has accumulated a total of 2000 points in agility competition.

AG - Agility Grand Master - Awarded to a cat who has accumulated a total of 4000 points in agility competition.

Ra's Abi is proud that the judges have found the following cats exceptional representatives of the Egyptian Mau Breed, by awarding them the title of Grand Champion or Grand Premier. Many of these have also competed for an entire show season and have earned regional and breed awards.

CH, GP, AM Ra's Abi's Adara

Grand Premier
November, 2018

2016 National 10th Best Agility Competitor



CH, GP, RW Ra's Abi's Lily

Grand Premier, October 2017

North Atlantic Region
21st Best Premier

GP Ra's Abi's Naji

Grand Premier, August 2016



GP Ra's Abi's Omani

Grand Premier, August 2016

GC Ra's Abi's Rafi

Grand Champion, August 2016



GP, AW Ra's Abi's Ammir

Grand Premier, February 2016

North Atlantic Region 7th Best Cat in Agility

GP, AW Ra'sAbi's Ramsey

Grand Premier, October 2015

North Atlantic Region 6th Best Cat in Agility



GC Ra's Abi's Arya of Schooiertjes

Grand Champion, October 2014

GC, AC Schooiertjes Kara of Ra's Abi, DM

Grand Champion, June 2014
Agility Competitior, November 2013
Distinguisher Merit, October 2017

North Atlantic Region 2nd Best of Breed
North Altantic Region 10th Best Cat in Agility

Kara's qualifying offspring were:
GP Ra's Abi's Ramsey
GP Ra's Abi's Ammir
GP AW Ra's Abi's Omani
GP, RW Ra's Abi's Naji
CH, GP, RW Ra's Abi's Lily
CH, GP, AM Ra's Abi's Adara

all sired by GC, RW Ra's Abi's Nepra, DM



GC, RW, AG Ra's Abi's Modani

Grand Champion, April 2013
Agility Grand Master, January 2014

National 7th Best Cat in Agility
North Atlantic Region 17th Best Cat
North Atlantic Region Best of Breed
North Atlantic Region 2nd Best Cat in Agility

National 7th Best Cat in Agility
North Atlantic Region 2nd Best Cat in Agility
North Atlantic Region Best of Breed

GC, GP, AG Ra's Abi's Elijah

Grand Champion, October 2011
Grand Premier, October 2012
Agility Grand Master, November 2012

National BEST Cat in Agility
North Altantic Region BEST Cat in Agility



GC, GP, RW Ra's Abi's Ziva

Grand Champion, July 2011
Grand Premier, May 2012
Regional Winner, 2012, 2013

North Atlantic Region 20th Best Cat in Premiership

National 3rd Best of Breed
North Atlantic Region 17th Best Cat
North Atlantic Region Best of Breed

1st Ra'sAbi One-Show Grand - May 2012!!

GP, RW Ra's Abi's Ari

Grand Premier, June 2011
Regional Winner, 2012

National 2nd Best Egyptian Mau Premier
North Atlantic Region 18th Best Premier



GP Ra's Abi's Nafisa

Grand Premier, May 2010

CH, GP, RW Ra's Abi's Kanika

Grand Premier, January 2010
Regional Winner, 2010

National Best Egyptian Mau Premier
North Atlantic Region 25th Best Premier
Global Egyptian Mau Show - Best Egyptian Mau Premier



GC, RW Ra's Abi's Alina

Grand Champion, June 2009
Regional Winner, 2010

National Second Best of Breed
North Atlantic Region 8th Best Cat
North Atlantic Region Best of Breed

2009 Global Egyptian Mau Society Show
Second highest scoring Mau
in Championship

CH, GP Ra's Abi's Anya

Grand Premier, August 2008

2009 National Award
6th Best Cat in Agility



GP Ra's Abi's Sudi Imhotep

Grand Premier, August 2007

Tepi's granding earned Queen Raya the title of
Distinguished Merit

GP Ra's Abi's Sevda

Grand Premier, April 2007



GP Ra's Abi's Orion

Grand Premier, April 2007

GP Ra's Abi's Bodi

Grand Premier, February 2007



GC, GP Ra's Abi's Benu

Grand Champion, January 2006
Grand Premier, September 2006

Benu is the first Raya/Nepra Grand and the first Ra's Abi DOUBLE Grand.

GC, GP, RW Ra's Abi's Amirah

Regional Winner, 2011
Grand Premier, July 2010
Grand Champion, September 2006

North Atlantic Region 23rd Best Cat in Premiership
National Best Egyptian Mau Premier

Best Egyptian Mau Kitten
Global Egyptian Mau Society Show,
July 2005



GP Ra's Abi's HaSet

Grand Premier, April 2006

First Ra's Abi BRONZE Grand

GC Ra's Abi's Sebua

Grand Champion, November 2004

North Atlantic Region 2nd Best of Breed, 2005



GC, RW Ra's Abi's Nepra, DM

Grand Champion, July 2004
Regional Winner, 2005
Distinguished Merit, October 2017

National Third Best of Breed
North Atlantic Region 14th Best Cat
North Atlantic Region Best of Breed

International Cat Show, Houston, November 2003

First Ra's Abi Grand Champion
First Ra's Abi Regional Winner!

Nepra's qualifying offsring were:

GC, GP, RW Ra's Abi's Amirah
GC, GP Ra's Abi's Benu
GP Ra's Abi's Bodi
GP Ra's Abi's Orion
GP Ra's Abi's Sudi Imhotep
CH, GP Ra's Abi's Anya
GP, RW Ra's Abi's Ari
GC, GP, RW Ra's Abi's Ziva

GC, GP, AG Ra's Abi's Elijah
GC, RW, AG Ra's Abi's Modani
GP, AW Ra's Abi's Ramsey
GP, AW Ra's Abi's Ammir
GP, AW Ra's Abi's Omani
GP, RW Ra's Abi's Naji
CH, GP, RW Ra's Abi's Lily
CH, GP, AM Ra's Abi's Adara

GC, GP, RW Emau Back to the Future
of Ra's Abi

Grand Champion, April 1999
Grand Premier, July 2004
Regional Winner, 2000, 2005

National 3rd Best of Breed
North Atlantic Region 6th Best Cat
North Atlantic Region Best of Breed

National Best EM Premier
North Atlantic Region 17th Best Premier
North Atlantic Region Best EM Premier

2008 Global Egyptian Mau Society Show
Highest Scoring Mau in Premiership
Oldest Mau in Show - 10 years old


GP Ra's Abi's Maucavity
aka Mac

Grand Premier, October 2004

Our first SMOKE grand!



GC Emau's Raya of Ra's Abi, DM

Grand Champion, May 2004

Distinguished Merit, August 2007

Raya's qualifying offspring were:
GC Ra'sAbi's Amirah
GC, GP Ra'sAbi's Benu
GP Ra'sAbi's Bodi
GP Ra'sAbi's Orion
GP Ra'sAbi's Sudi Imhotep

all sired by GC, RW Ra'sAbi's Nepra, DM

GP Emau's Moonbeam of Ra's Abi
aka Beamer

Grand Premier, May 2004


Opera Ghost

GP Ra s Abi s Opera Ghost
aka "OG"

Grand Premier, November 2002

First Ra's Abi Grand


GP New Kingdom Bianca of Ra's Abi

Grand Premier, August 2002

First mau from England to Grand in CFA!!!

GP Emau's Abi Almustafa of Ra's Abi

Grand Premier, November 1998

First Egyptian Mau Granded by Ra's Abi



Note: All pictures and graphics are copyrighted by Ra's Abi or individual photographers. No part of this web site may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from Ra's Abi and the photographers.
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