Ra's Abi - email contact at rasabi@aol.com



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SHOW STARS 2006-2007

Since the 2005 show season, we have taken a quiet approach showing Raya / Nepra kittens. All of these kittens have shown well - taking their father Nepra's and great-grandmother's Future love of showing into the show ring. It has been fun watching brothers Orion and Bodi (right) as they change - Bodi has darkened from the pale kitten to an adult that reminds us of father Nepra when he comes to visit!


However, this quiet approach resulted in 5 NEW RA'S ABI GRANDS for the show season!! These new grands were:

GP Ra'sAbi's Sevda
GP Ra'sAbi's Orion
GP Ra'sAbi's Bodi
GC, GP Ra'sAbi's Benu
GC Ra'sBbi's Amirah

This was a wonderful season, showing these beautiful cats and sharing the time with their owners, Claire, Pat, and Tracy.


GP Ra's Abi's Sevda

Grand Premier - April 2007

Sevda came out of a pampered pet life to show that she loved to show!

GP Ra'sAbi's Orion

Grand Premier - April 2007

Bodi's darker and more mysterious litter mate



GP Ra's Abi's Bodi

Grand Premier - February 2007

Bodi Granded at the Morristown show where he split finals with two other
Ra's Abi Premiers - Orion and Sevda!

CH Kyra of Ra's Abi

Champion (CH)

Kyra has wonderful balance and a beautiful white undercoat.



GC, GP Ra's Abi's Benu

Grand Champion, January 2006
Grand Premier, September 2006
Benu is the first Raya/Nepra Grand and
the first Ra's Abi double grand.

GC Ra's Abi's Amirah

Grand Champion, September 2006

Best Egyptian Mau Kitten
Global Egyptian Mau Society Show
July, 2005


Note: All pictures and graphics are copyrighted by Ra's Abi or individual photographers. No part of this web site may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from Ra's Abi and the photographers.
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