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SHOW STARS 2010-2011

After the "Magic"season - a little down time would have been nice, but NO, at the first show of the season, another magic moment - Alina/Kanika sister Nafisa missed being a one show grand by 2 points!! She is being joined on the show circuit by mother Amirah, new Princess Nadira and new Pharaoh Jahara.

Mother Amirah became the 3rd Ra's Abi double grand by earning her Grand Premier title at the Garden State Show with points to spare! She just loves to show and enjoys her weekends out that had been interrupted by the duties of being a mother! She finished the show season as the NAR's 23rd best cat in Premiership and CFA's Best Egyptian Mau Premier!

Kelsey Belle continued to show in the Household Pet Category. She finished 11th in the NAR, marking her 4th consecutive year in the top 25!

Late in the show season, Amirah was joined by Alina/Nepra kittens Ziva, Eli, Hyperion, and Ari. All of these kittens showed their mother and fathers love of show

GC, GP, RW Ra's Abi's Amirah

Grand Premier, July 2010
Grand Champion, September 2006

CFA Best Egyptian Mau Premier

NAR 23rd Best Cat in Premiership


GP Ra's Abi's Nafisa

Grand Premier, May 2010

Smoke Nafisa missed being a one-show
grand by just 2 points!!



Mt. Sinai Jahara of Ra's Abi

Jahara shows himself off in his first kitten judging ring!

Ch Kirydashi Nadira of Ra's Abi



Ch Kirydashi Nadira of Ra's Abi

Nadira shows herself off in the judging ring!

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